The NTC system is based on the latest edge computing using artificial intelligence and making the data available in near real time on our cloud hosted servers for interactive analysis. We have developed a smart analytics platform to empower you to make better road asset management and traffic planning decisions.

Traffic Counter
The NTC based system delivers vehicle-by-vehicle (VBV) counts of vehicle class, travel direction and speed. We provide a ground truthing with video footage/ still images of the counted vehicles. This allows you to go back to the counting site any time you like. We also provide near real time views of your traffic site.

New Features
The NTC video based platform can provide other services like industry types of truck & trailer units (logging, milk, livestock, bulk, container truck), road condition detection & alerts, dust detection & alerts, pedestrian, cyclist & micro mobility counting for transport modal change evaluations.

Counting Accuracy
The NTC platform is built to process not only our video data but any video streams. If you already have camera systems installed on your network like CCTV or other asset monitoring cameras, we can use those to do traffic counting for you.For privacy reasons we blur the image license plate and people.
Are you under pressure to deliver high quality roading services with a growing road network and shrinking budgets? The Network Traffic Counter (NTC) may be able to help you.
It delivers real time intelligence on your road network. Our technology works on your sealed and unsealed roads. It counts according to NZTA 2011 14 vehicle classes and 59 vehicle classes.
If you need more vehicle classifications we can train our artificial intelligence model to include those easily.