For your infield deployment team we have built a smart Desktop App to help check if the NTC camera is pointing at the road correctly. It allows you to use our over the air updates (OTA) like you have heard from Tesla. You can upload new software updates or download your counting data to check. The calibration of the camera is done with a simple drive-by. Our smart Desktop App guides the user through this process. The OTA also allows the monitoring of key ‘health parameters’ of the NTC data collection device.

For our customers we provide video training material and webinars to bring your infield talent up to speed with our Desktop App.
The setup of the NTC and the calibration takes on average 7 minutes. If you purchase our UPS NTC version, the device needs to be deployed only once in the field. If there is data connection on your counting site, the data will be transferred wirelessly to our cloud hosted servers and made available to you on our Web App in near real time. Please contact us for a demo.